The Write the World community is comprised of young writers from over 125 different countries. With this diversity, it’s no surprise that the power and influence of place is a frequent topic on our site. Our members go beyond merely describing geographic locations—not only do they explore how place shapes their personal and cultural history, provides opportunities, or presents obstacles—they also reflect on more intangible qualities, including the character, energy, and contradictions of a particular landscape, locale, or environment.
This issue of Write the World Review celebrates place in a variety of forms. The pieces in this issue, whether fiction or nonfiction, are grounded in their environments. A tree-lined street looms large and lovingly in memory; a relationship thrives despite geographic distance; a bathroom provides a backdrop to the conversations of anthropomorphic toiletries. And sometimes, place is the now-unrecognizable home one must flee.
As you read these pieces from our young writers and journey from the coast of New Zealand to the fantastical Red Dragon Café, I invite you to reflect on place—whether it be your childhood bedroom, a far-flung locale, or a land that exists only in your mind—and explore the role it plays in your own life.
- David Weinstein, Founder, Write the World LLC