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by LIORA SCOP (South Africa)

Issue 2.2    August 2020


They say that 7 billion people stayed home today

2.2 billion children stayed out of school

1.6 billion teens study on their computers

only essential workers peel themselves out of bed in the morning.


The world is silent in anticipation 

the rivers have returned

the water lulls peacefully in wait.


They say 7 billion people pray 

kneeling, standing, sitting

all for morning prayers.



The earth groans and stretches out its limbs

leaves sway with fresh dew 

the sun lazily creeps up into the sky

the birds chirp and the trees whisper.


They say now the earth is clean

it's refreshed

just like us.

Liora Scop, 16, is in grade 10. Her goal is to one day become a teen psychologist and work in emergency departments and psych wards. She gets inspiration for her writing from current events in her life or the world, which she hopes will in turn inspire others. As The Little Prince said, “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.” She is also motivated by her teachers, family, and friends.

#Nature          #Environment         #Global Citizenship         #Lockdown       #Climate Change

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